Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello World!

Well, I have finally ventured into the world of blogging. I decided that as long as I am going to spend half of my day reading blogs that I might as well have one of my own.

Life as I know it now started nine years ago on December 4, 1999 when at the age of 47 I became a mother for the first time to the most beautiful 8 month old daughter. Within a two month time span I became a mother and quit my job as a pharmacy technician/store assistant manager. I had all intentions of continuing to work after we brought Abbey home but after returning to work for a couple of weeks I found that my heart and head were not at work but at home with my daughter.

After my dad passed away in 2003 I keep feeling like Abbey needed a sister. So in December of that year we started the paperwork to bring home daughter #2. In October of 2004 we received a referral for another beautiful China doll. Emily was 25 months old and we met her for the first time on December 6, 2004.

The amazing coincidence to the dates we adopted our girls is that they were five years and two days apart. They would have been exactly five years apart but the first time we adopted the Chinese government opened the Civil Affairs office on a Saturday to process the paperwork in time for us to leave for our appointment in Guangzhou. Had they not opened the office, both the girls would have entered our lives on December 6th.

I refer to myself as the World's Oldest Mom as I am now 56 and the mother of a 9 year old fourth grader and 6 year old first grader. While other mothers my age are now grandmothers I am experiencing all the firsts that come with motherhood. I now volunteer at their school and help to with class parties. Most of the other mothers are in their 20's and must think I am as old as Medusa but my girls keep me young and I love keeping up with them!

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